Junk Journal: An Uninhibited Space
Why am I so passionate about engaging others in the practice of junk journaling?
A junk journal is a safe, uninhibited space to be creative without having to worry about perfection.
Felting has all the Feels
I love felt for so many reasons. I appreciate felt for its link to our ancient ancestors, for its everydayness, and for its sensory elements. Let’s learn a little bit about its history and about how you can explore the awesome world of felt-making with us!
The Story of the Heartfelt Tea Party & Auction
This weekend, our community gathered around locally made heart art while sipping incredible teas and snacking on delicious treats at our first Heartfelt Tea Party and Auction.
Woolly Fest
A whole host of fiber enthusiasts to shared their wares with the community. We had local animal raisers, dyers, spinners, artisans, and makers. We also had demonstrations on spinning, weaving, felting, and much more.
Indigo Dye Party
We said farewell to summer with our final Indigo Dye Party of the year at Redden Gardens!
Have You Ever Wondered Why We Create?
No matter what direction I have taken in life, creativity has always been a part of what I do. As a child, I couldn’t help, but…
Little Boxes
I created these little boxes to take with me on an outing to meet some friends for coffee the other day. These friends…
Clay Charlotte
I dug this picture out of an old scrapbook. Taken at my first juried student art show in college., I am standing next to…