Sticks and Sewn

Proposal for Wave Pool

Part performance, part community collaboration, "Sticks and Sewn" Invites participants to explore the concepts of structure in both nature and community through the creation of a sculpture using natural materials. Artist Charlotte Reed and a team from the non-profit Art Equals will provide basic directions on construction of the sculpture, utilizing sticks, natural handspun yarn, and kozo paper pulp.

The meditative process of spinning natural wool fibers into handspun yarn will set the stage for this act of building community. As individual fibers of wool and paper are brought together with the organic structure of sticks to create a domed sculpture, so too will friends and strangers find new connections in working together. Participants will be invited to create yarn using drop spindles, create secure structures with yarn and sticks, and enhance elements of the piece with hand dipped kozo paper.

Drawing on the metaphor of community connection, “Sticks and Sewn” will seek to bring awareness to the magic of combining individual elements into a stronger, more dynamic whole. Just as nature utilizes atoms, molecules, and cells, to create sheep’s  wool and trees which we use to create, so too, can individuals in the community unite to create a structural marvel in a parking lot.